Visual Studio 2012 and Windows SDK7.1

I had used Windows SDK7.1 on Visual Studio 2010. It helped to build 64bit binaries with Visual Studio 2010 Express. After I installed Visual Studio 2012 and uninstall 2010, I came to be unable to build projects using Windows SDK7.1 as their project toolset. I had the following error.

error MSB8020: The builds tools for Windows7.1SDK (Platform Toolset = 'Windows7.1SDK') cannot be found. To build using the Windows7.1SDK build tools, either click the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Update VC++ Projects...". Install Windows7.1SDK to build using the Windows7.1SDK build tools.	Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets	44

This error is caused by missing the Visual Studio 2010 C++ Compiler accompanied with Windows SDK7.1. It was uninstalled when I uninstalled Visual Studio 2010. After I installed it through the installer of Windows SDK7.1, I, however, had the following error.

error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741819.

I found the page showing the solution of this error. I tried it but I couldn't solve the error. I found the way to solve this error by myself. It is to install Visual Studio 2010 again.

In short, I don't recommend you to use Windows SDK7.1 with Visual Studio 2012. The express edition of Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop can build 64bit binaries.